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In the mean time if you do not see your destination please email us with the dates of travel, number of people traveling, ages of children and destination requested. If you are going to a destination that has all inclusive hotels (those that include food and drinks) we will need to know that also. If you have a big party, include the number of rooms and the number of people in each room.
New term sustainable travel is a way to preserve nature, instead of commodifying it to attract tourists.
Bring antigen test kits just in case there is a limited availability of tests in your destination. We recommend eMed.com. It's virtually proctored, so it's accepted as a formal antigen test.
Candleridge Travel is a fully accredited and bonded agency as well as licensed member of IATAN* the International Airline Travel Agency Network and ARC Airlines Reporting Corporation.
Mankind are angels with one wing embracing and understanding each other we fly
Extend your mercy towards others, so that there can be no one in need whom you meet without helping. For what hope is there for us if God should withdraw His Mercy from us?